CLAP's Reach Up Services include participation in community events, resource fairs, and mutual aid opportunities. CLAP Reach Ups are led by the input of our unsheltered and sheltered community members impacted.
CLAP works hard to link, support, and advocate for the people who need resources to the best fit organizations and services in Sacramento. Although CLAP provides resource links and outreach we do not provide emergency or housing search services. We will try our very best to get you to the support to help!
CLAP Weekly is a free newsletter for the Sactown community. If you are a subscriber to CLAP Weekly, there will be community led resources and updates specifically for the Sactown area. We believe everyone should have support and access to basic needs. Subscribe below and share with your neighbors!!
It is more evident than ever that our community has to come together in unity. Here in Sactown, we are all neighbors!! Connect with us by completing the CLAP Connect Form or subscribe to CLAP Weekly !
The history of the Sacramento area was and will always be the tribal land of the Nisenan people.
California Heritage Indigenous Research Project (CHIRP) is a California nonprofit 501(c)(3). CHIRP's mission is to preserve, protect, and perpetuate Nisenan Culture and support the Tribe’s efforts to restore its federal recognition.
Sactown is in dire need of an ombudsperson team to address the inequities, complaints, and issues within housing programs and services for the community. It would be an Independent collective of qualified Sacramento community members entirely representative of the community members most impacted in Sacramento by racial, gender, and geographical marginalization in disparities for housing/services.
An independent collective would be completely impartial with no financial or relational conflict of interest to housing services to halt and prevent gatekeeping, retaliation, and exploitation that trickles down to impacted community members who should be supported.
The Independent Collective will have regulatory power with housing programs and services with the ability to:
CLAP wants to hear from community voices!!
What would you add to the role of a strong team to support the needs of our community members facing barriers for housing?
Fill out the CLAP Needs Assessment below where we have added this due to the continuous preventative barriers within housing and service programs that are required to support.
The City and County of Sacramento were selected to participate in the Cities and Counties for Fine and Fee Justice initiative for Fees and Fine Reduction and Reform.
Some of our unhoused and those who are housed have technology limitations to attend the on-line reform meetings. CLAP Community Lead Advocacy Program, All Of Us or None, and our community advocates want to assure the feedback of our unsheltered who have been impacted by fines or fees are also heard. We have upcoming Reach Outs so contact us if you would like to be a part of these efforts. Fill out the survey below if you are or were unhoused and were impacted by local fines.
Please sign and share the need for Sacramento to have a Social Services Shuttle. Those in underserved areas regularly go without basic resources due to transportation barriers. CLAP along with the Sacramento Community are proposing an immediate Social Services Shuttle that low to no income neighbors can ride free. The Shuttle would navigate through key areas of Sacramento to access services and community. We need your voice to tell Sacramento Regional Transit District that there must be a Social Services Shuttle for our Sacramento community.
Learn more about our upcoming events, ways to help and more!